CISNE :: gracia
Si has elegido el cisne, te anuncia un tiempo de estados de conciencia alterados y de desarrollo de tus capacidades intuitivas. La gente de la medicina del cisne tiene la capacidad de prever el futuro, de rendirse al poder del gran espíritu y de aceptar la curación y auto transformación en su vida.
Nos enseña a caminar en la gracia. Swan nos enseña a confiar en la gracia de nuestro ser como los que opera, tanto en el plano físico y espiritual, y nos invita a gozar de los dones de nuestro cuerpo físico y nuestra mente intuitiva.
Gracioso y elegante, pareces deslizarte a través de la vida difícilmente dejando una onda por tu paso. Otros aprenden de tu personalidad tranquila a cómo reducir los conflictos y mantener su serenidad. Cuando es requerido, tienes la habilidad de moverte rápidamente. Sabes cómo manejar tu energía y lograr tus metas con rapidez y eficacia. Esto te da la resistencia para completar proyectos largos - desde crear una nueva línea de productos, hasta correr un maratón. Eres una pareja devota y mantienes tus compromisos en toda las áreas de tu vida. Sabes cómo ver la belleza interna en todos sin importar la apariencia externa. Tienes deseos eróticos fuertes y consideras sagrada tu vida sexual. Libros de poesía llenan tus libreros y también ammas cantar.
*Despierta a tu poder y a tu belleza interna
*Negocía situaciones difíciles sin causar negatividad
*Entra en contacto con tus deseos eróticos
*Observar a los cisnes por una hora
*Mejora tu postura y comportamiento
*Comparte con tu pareja un secreto sexual
Como símbolo en el sueño
Poesía, misticismo, canción, belleza, gracia, erotismo, elegancia
Como guardián o protector
Sostiene con brazos fuertes
Previene contra la reactividad
Como sanador
Promueve la longevidad
Alienta la tranquilidad
Como oráculo o presagio
Espera un encuentro erótico
Lee poesía
LOS CISNES TIENEN LAZOS FAMILIARES FUERTES. Se unen de por vida y los más jóvenes permanecen con sus pares hasta que encuentran una pareja. Mantén tus relaciones familiares fuertes a través de practicar la comunicación abierta y honesta y el amor incondicional.
FUENTE: Madonna Gauding © Octopus Publishing Group 2006 ISBN-13: 978-1-84181-292-2
Uno de los más conocidos cuentos para niños, El patito feo, habla de un patito "" que no se ve
como los demás, que son todos muy sorprendidos cuando crezca para convertirse en la más elegante de las aves, el cisne.
En un nivel, esta fábula ilustra el carácter engañoso de las primeras apariciones y nos enseña que la verdadera belleza nace de dentro. Cisne nos enseña que todos tenemos la gracia y la belleza interior, enseña la autoestima.
Cisne simboliza la gracia y la belleza en muchos niveles. Se asocia con el amor, la música y la poesía. En la mitología romana Swan estaba consagrado a Venus, la diosa del amor. En la tradición griega, esta ave fue imaginada muchas veces cantando con una lira.
Las capas de los bardos irlandeses, que eran poetas y músicos, estaban hechas de plumas de cisne, y en la saga de Irlanda, los Niños de Lir, cuando se convierten en cisnes, cantó tan dulcemente que todos los que oyeron, se tranquilizó y durmió tranquilamente .
Esta y otras leyendas celtas de la transformación de los seres humanos en cisnes ilustrar el significado más profundo de la medicina Cisne. La gracia no es simplemente la capacidad de vivir en armonía en el plano físico. Es el don de ser para estar en casa en muchos planos de la realidad, reconocer que somos más de lo que parece ser, que son a la vez física y espiritual de los seres.
En el Cisne tradición celta simboliza alma, ese aspecto de todos los seres que es eterno. Visto desde esta perspectiva, la historia de El Patito Feo nos dice que, independientemente de la apariencia física de nuestros vehículos que poseen un brillo interior que no puede ser atenuado.
Graceful elegant birds the swan seems to glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind. Its persuasive beauty reminds us to move gently through the currents of life and not battle them.
Swans are one of the fastest fliers. During migration they fly in V formations at great heights. Their wing beats are slow but steady. This gives them the endurance needed to reach their destination quickly without tiring. Those with this totem have the same abilities and should observe, then apply, the movements of swan when pursuing goals.
The swans large wings embrace the sky collecting and storing knowledge from the heavens. Their white plumage reminds us of the wonder and innocence found in the purity of spirit. Their long slender necks serve as a bridge between the mundane and the extraordinary. Upon this bridge lies the wisdom for spiritual realization.
The swan mates for life. Courtship involves mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing. They are committed devoted partners. In personal relationships humans make commitments they cannot keep. By applying swans skills in our life we begin to honor what we have chosen. This in itself is a powerful lesson for those who hold this medicine. Honoring commitments increase ones personal integrity.
While feeding, swans do not dive into the water like other birds. They skim its surface dipping themselves in and out. In man, water is associated with the feminine principal of intuition and emotion. By following the lead of the swan we learn how to view our emotions without getting trapped by them. Our intuition helps us understand our feelings and the swan helps us process them efficiently.
Swans are sociable birds with a long life span. They live about 20 years in the wild and 50 years or more in captivity. The swan is a totem that teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. When we look upon the swan it invokes a feeling of tranquility in us and reminds us to experience the beauty and magic of life.
Swan, Power Animal, Symbol of Inner Grace, Balance, Commitment
By Ina Woolcott
Swan's Wisdom Includes awakening the power of self, balance, grace, inner beauty, innocence, self-esteem, understanding dream symbols, seeing into the future, understanding spiritual, evolution, developing intuitive abilities, divination, grace in dealing with others and commitment.
Swan represents grace and beauty on many levels. It is associated with love, poetry and music. The swan was sacred to Venus, the love goddess in Roman mythology. The swan was often pictured singing to a lyre in Greek tradition. In Celtic tradition the Swan represents the Soul, our eternal essence.
The Swan is one of the most ancient and powerful power animals. The Irish bards were both poets and musicians, and wore cloaks made with swan feathers. Also in the Irish tale about the Children of Lir, who were turned into swans and sang so sweetly that all who heard them were put at ease and slept peacefully. These 2 examples along with other Celtic legends of the humans shape shifting into swans highlights the deepest meaning of Swan medicine.
The Ugly Duckling is a widely known children story, about an apparently ugly little duckling, who doesn't look like the others and is rejected and labelled a misfit, different. In the end all are surprised when he grows into being the most elegant of birds, the swan. This highlights the deceptive nature of first appearances and also reminds us that true beauty grows from within. The Swan teaches us that we all have inner grace and beauty, and this teaches us self-esteem. As we begin to realise our own true beauty, we reveal the ability to bridge new realms and new powers.
Swan will show one how to firmly rely on the beauty of ones being as it works in the physical and spiritual planes. One will be impelled to happy and grateful of and for the physical body and our intuitive mind.
Grace doesn’t mean only the ability to live a balanced life, it is also being able to be at home in many planes of reality, to see that we are more than we appear to be - we are both physical and spiritual beings. We are souls having a human experience.
Not only does the swan reveal to you your own inner beauty, but also that of others. A Swans graceful entering into your life signals a time of altered states of awareness and the development of intuitive abilities, for those with this medicine have the inherent ability to see the future, and to accept the healing and change that is starting in their lives. Accept this and it will help you go with the flow. Listen to your inner knowledge and intuitions and Swan will work through you. The Swan's voice teaches the mysteries of song and poetry, for these touch our inner child and also our inner beauty.
Swan gracefully glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind. Their natural, effortless beauty reminds us to move gently through the currents of life and not fight against them. Swans do not dive into the water like other birds when feeding. Rather, they skim the water dipping their long necks and heads in and out. Water is linked with the feminine intuition and emotion. By following swans example we learn how to view our emotions without getting trapped by them. Our intuition helps us comprehend our feelings and the swan helps us process them.
Swans mate for life. When choosing a mate mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing are involved. They are dedicated partners. Us humans often make commitments we can’t keep. By following swans lead we will begin to respect what we have chosen and to follow things through. Honouring our commitments increase personal integrity.
Swans are VERY fast fliers, they fly in V formations at great heights during migration. Their wings beat slowly but steadily, lending them the endurance required reach their destination without tiring. If this is your power animal you have the same ability and should apply the swans movements when pursuing something. The large wings of the swan in the sky gather and store knowledge from Great Spirit. Their white plumage reminds us of the dazzling beauty and innocence found in the purity of Great Spirit, and their long graceful necks act as a bridge between the ordinary and the extra-ordinary. This bridge holds the wisdom for spiritual realisation.
SOURCE: http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/6089/swan-power-animal-symbol-of-inner-grace-balance-commitment
THE SWAN: Elegance, confidence, loyalty
The epitome of grace and elegance is now a part of your life. How fortunate you are!
Let her help you bring a certain elegance to the way you dress, the way you live, everything you do. It should come naturally now, for you are the swan.
Fill yourself with confidence. Let your beauty shine out in all ways. Float gracefully through life, knowing that you will always be welcome in the company of others when you breathe in your swan energy.
The swan will also help you maintain long and loyal relationships, for she knows how to stay true to another and attracts the same to herself. Let the swan spirit give you confidence that you are fully deserving of love. Trust that long-lasting love will be a part of your life, for you are the swan.
Let the swan teach you to live in more than one world, comfortable both on the water and in the sky. Learn to fly with purpose to your destination, neck outstretched and trumpeting your joy. Then learn to float in tranquility on the peaceful lake, a portrait of grace and elegance, wanting nothing more than simply to be who you are, the perfect swan.
SOURCE: http://www.poweranimalsunleashed.com/power_animal_018swan.htm
Swan Meaning and Swan Symbolism
Our first symbolic clues from the swan can be taken from observing them in nature. They are waterfowl, closely connected with water, even nesting near the water.
Water is symbolic of: Fluidity, Intuition, Dreaming, Emotions, Creativity.
In this respect, we can intuit the swan’s appearance in our lives as an arrow pointing to our dreamier depths and feelings. Furthermore, we get the sense of balance from swan meaning as it lives harmoniously amongst three of the four Aristotelian elements. Grounding herself on earth, lofting to great heights in the air, and winding through waters with magnificent elegance.
A quick keyword list of swan meaning:
* Love
* Grace
* Union
* Purity
* Beauty
* Dreams
* Balance
* Elegance
* Partnership
* Transformation
The swan may also bear messages of love and relationships. They pair for years, sometimes male-female unions are sustained for a lifetime. When the swan glides upon the waters of our awareness, it might be a symbol of love, and a reminder of the blessings found in our relationships.
The concept of partnership is further expressed on a divine level in Hinduism, wherein the swan graces vibrant traditions as the Hamsa bird. In the Saundarya Lahari (translated: “Waves of Beauty,” it’s a text filled with beautiful mantras from the Hindu perspective) two swans (Ham and Sa) pair together, swimming around in the divine mind “living on honey from the blooming lotus of knowledge.” Isn’t that a lovely concept?
In the Celtic mind, swans and geese were observed in the context of movement. Specifically, the keenly observant Celts noted their transitory nature and the swan’s pattern of migration. Consequently, the sign of the swan urged Celtic intuition to consider changes of mood (water) and heart (love).
Swan meaning is also linked to Celtic deities with solar associations, like Belanus and Lugh. As solar animals, the swan represents the rising glory of a new day as well as the farewell of an old day with the setting sun. Fittingly, the Celtic goddess Bridgid is also associated with the swan as her grace is expressed with equal elegance in the form of writing (poetry) and song.
Celtic myth also indicates when inhabitants of the Otherworld required passage to the physical land of life you and I experience every day, they would take the shape of the swan. Furthermore lore states they would travel out of the Otherworld in pairs, thus reinforcing the theme of union, bonds and partnership.
In Celtic art, gold and silver chains are often depicted around the swan's neck. I’ve read where this is symbolic of supernatural appearance of divine energy or the descent of gods to earth. I like to think the chains are symbolic of a harmony between cosmic forces; gold representing the sun, and silver symbolic of the moon. Perhaps the Celts recognized the essence of gods within the guise of the swan, and honored that power in the bird.
We see further themes of transformation and deific embodiment in Greek myth wherein Zeus (Jupiter in the Roman pantheon) transformed himself into a swan in an effort to slake his uncontrollable passion for Leda.
Symbolic swan meaning continues the theme of transformation in the tale of the Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson. Mislabeled from birth, the little duckling lives his life with the heroic heart of a swan. Indeed, after growing strong under the nurturing of kind humans, the duckling is set free, and sees its image for the first time in a reflective pool of water to discover he had “transformed” into a lovely swan.
Who doesn’t love this little fairy tale? It reminds us of our inherent glory, power and beauty (as the duckling was always a graceful swan). At the same time, the tale encourages us to have faith and have a persistent heart while pursuing the gifts that are our birthright.
In dreams, the swan asks us to spread our wings and take flight into our waking dreams. She also encourages us to strengthen our relationships, as well as make new, long-lasting bonds with people whom we admire.
White swans in dreams are symbolic of cleansing and purifying ourselves and our lives. Black swans indicate deep mysteries within us that are longing to be set free to express themselves creatively – perhaps as Bridgid would have us do, in poetry or music.
SOURCE: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/swan-meaning-and-symbolism.html
The swan is a totem of beauty and grace. As in the story of the Ugly Duckling, it connotes inner beauty as well. If Swan is your totem animal, you are emotionally sensitive, and empathic towards the feelings of others, and you draw people to you. The pure white swan is a solar symbol, whereas the Australian Black Swan is a nocturnal symbol. The swan, with its long neck, acts as a bridge between the worlds, making it an oracular bird. Being a cool weather bird, its direction is North. Swans are excellent totems for children, those connected to the Fairy Realm, poets, bards, mystics, and dreamers.
The swan is master of the elements Earth, Air and Water, and is an excellent guide to the therapeutic powers of these elements. Many healers use a swan feather in smudging and healing ceremonies. A swan feather tied to an instrument such as a harp would be a powerful adjunct to music therapy.
In the Medicine Cards oracle, pulling the Swan card tells you to “accept your ability to know what lies ahead, pay attention to your hunches, gut knowledge, and female intuitive side.” Reversed, the Swan card means you are not grounded, not paying attention to your intuition, or the Unseen. The authors suggest that you “notice your surroundings, and touch the Earth; be still and focus on one reality or the other – the Dreamtime or the mundane world; stop the clutter in your mind and listen; or focus on a physical activity that will ground you.”
In Celtic lore, pulling the swan card can mean poetic inspiration from the Otherworld. It can also mean an enduring love is entering into your life. Many swan tales have to do with sad partings, separation, and suffering loss with grace. Swan can be a symbol of transformation. Swan often indicates a soul level experience about to commence.
SOURCE: http://faeriekat.wordpress.com/2008/08/27/totem-animal-swan/
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